Saturday, October 17, 2009


Tuesday afternoon I went around looking at new cars with my boyfriend. It was fun looking, test driving, and filling out some paper work. However he was the one that actually got the new car tuesday instead of me which I was okay with. The thing I wasn't okay with was that I ended up getting sick that night instead of getting a car!

When I woke up Wednesday morning I couldn't believe right and could handle talk. I called my doctors and made an appointment for as soon as possible. Finally I got out of the doctors office and all I wanted to do was sleep. I was so sad because it turns out I have bronchitis and can't work or do anything until Monday! Which puts all of my plans on hold and also I had just got a new job and had to call and let them no that I won't be able to work again until Monday. That's 23 hours I would be loosing on my paycheck and it just makes me even more mad to think that it!

Anyways its Saturday now and I'm still feeling horrible! I hope by tomorrow I will at least be able to get out of bed because since Wednesday that's all I've been doing!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Couples Retreat

All last week I was bugging my boyfriend to take me to the movies to see Couples Retreat. I wanted to see it really bad because anything with Vince Vaugh in it is funny to me. However my boyfriend and me have different taste in movies. We finally went on saturday to see it. Surprisingly the movie made him laugh and he liked it! I knew i would like it because I like to laugh, and of course I did a lot of it. After the movie we went to Roburritos (my favorite place in the world). Then it was back to my house to go to sleep.

Monday, October 5, 2009

halloween is soon!!

So im not much of a halloween kinda person, but i do love to party!!!! Every year before any holiday me and my boyfriend plan out our "pre-game parties" which means we have a party for the actual party. We usually have the pre-game party about 2-3 weeks before the holiday. This year the pre-game halloween party is going to be at our new house! It will be are first party there and we're going all out! Also we will have our halloween party too their, but thats not until halloween. The house is amazing! It has 5 bedrooms 3 1/2 baths and huge party rooms!!! so now the next step is to find a halloween custome!


I feel like everything revolves around work. Mondays are crazy for me, I work from 8:30am-1:00pm than have to sit through boring classes until i go to work at 5pm til close which is 11pm. I feel like i never have time to do anything or see anyone. When i finally get home from work i only have like two hours to relax than i'm up all night with the dogs and babies. However im in the progess of getting a new job and hopefully i get it, because then i'll have more time to hang out with my friends, be alone, and not be in such of a bitchy mood