Monday, September 21, 2009

York Fair

okay i'm not sure if it's me or if everyone my age feels this way. The York Fair use to be the highlight of Septmeber for me. However this years, it was nothing special. The York Fair is a carnival directed towards little kids. Theirs rides, games, and food everywhere you walk.

When i was little the fair seemed so much larger. I remember being tired coming home after walking awhile. This year on the other hand, I was just bothered with all the people running around starting fights. I think i just went for the food this year which wasn't as good as i remember it. Maybe things are just better when your a little kid.


So facebook has taken over the world! It seems like everyone you meet as a facebook from your everyday college student to the president of the united states. Facebook is everywhere, but what draws people to having a facebook?

I believe that, facebook is the new way of texting. Onces you log on you can update your status to say what your doing at that exact moment or later on in the day. People can then comment on what you wrote and say whether or not they liked it or not. Facebook is always a good way to stay in touch with friends or family members that have moved away. You can ook them up by there first and last name or by there email address. Friend request them and stay in touch forever. Also you can upload pictures from your everyday life.

Facebook is the new thing of 2009. If you don't have one i suggest you create on asap.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

what should colleges teach?

I think colleges should focus more on what the students want to learn and how they learn. Most students are visional or hands on learners, so if the teachers would teach that way a lot more students would be involved with class and more willing to come to class. Also the professors should be more willing to change there teaching skills. The professors that just stand infront of the room and have the students take notes doesn't help. I personally get bored if I have to just sit and take notes the whole time and I get distracted by every little thing.

final destination 3d

yesterday i saw final destination 3 in 3d. it was an okay movie but it was really short. i think the characters died to fast in the movie and the story lane wasn't like all the others. when you actually keep everything interesting. in the previous movies the characters safed eachothers lives and they kept the story plot alive. however in this one they only saved one character and everything kept moving the way it would have.